Speed convertor
Percentage from VMA
100% | 10 km/h | 6' |
95% | 9.5 km/h | 6' 18" |
90% | 9 km/h | 6' 39" |
85% | 8.5 km/h | 7' 3" |
80% | 8 km/h | 7' 30" |
75% | 7.5 km/h | 8' |
70% | 7 km/h | 8' 34" |
65% | 6.5 km/h | 9' 13" |
60% | 6 km/h | 10' |
55% | 5.5 km/h | 10' 54" |
50% | 5 km/h | 12' |
Percentage to VMA
50% | 20 km/h | 3' |
55% | 18.18 km/h | 3' 17" |
60% | 16.67 km/h | 3' 35" |
65% | 15.38 km/h | 3' 54" |
70% | 14.29 km/h | 4' 11" |
75% | 13.33 km/h | 4' 30" |
80% | 12.5 km/h | 4' 47" |
85% | 11.76 km/h | 5' 5" |
90% | 11.11 km/h | 5' 23" |
95% | 10.53 km/h | 5' 41" |
100% | 10 km/h | 6' |
The tool is a speed and pace converter that helps you quickly and easily convert between speed and pace, and see the comparison to other speeds. It is designed to make it easy to switch between different units of measurement, allowing you to choose the best representation for your needs. The tool takes a speed or pace value as input and generates the equivalent representation in the other unit. The conversion is done in real-time, making it easy to see the results and make any necessary adjustments. Additionally, the tool displays the input speed or pace as a percentage compared to other common speeds, making it easy to understand the relative pace or speed. Whether you're a runner, cyclist, or simply need to work with different units of speed and pace, this tool is a must-have tool for your toolkit. With its simple and intuitive interface, you can easily convert between speed and pace, and see the comparison to other speeds with just a few clicks.